In the past, nobody could predict all the possible methods to push low-quality sites to the top of search results, but Google negotiates with them as they came- with the help of algorithm updates.
Google’s recent updates like CORE UPDATE Google announced on twitter that it is released the September 2019 CORE UPDATE. Core Update influence how Google ranks websites and how Google decides what is the most relevant web page for the user’s query.
This is designed to ensure that overall we are delivering on our mission to present relevant content to the users. These Core Updates may also affect Google Discover.
Google has also given us something we can point to after a core update negatively impacts a site’s ranking in Google search.
The September 2019 Core Update is now live and will be rolling out across our various data centers over the coming days. The SEO community is noticing the impact of the Google September 2019 Core Update. Note, this began rolling out on 24th September afternoon and it should take a few days to fully roll out,
Alright, here’s one of the first I have seen with impact. It’s a news publisher that was affected by the September 2019 core update. They worked on a number of things since then (thin content, earning links, etc.) Not a heavy traffic site, but the impact is clear starting 27th September.
Difference between Google Starmageddon and September 2019 Core Update
The SEO community is thinking up names for the Google update. Danny Sullivan from Google chimed in and said Google internally calls this the “Sept. 2019 Review Rich Results Update.” so Unfortunately for those rooting for Google to rename the update to ‘Starmageddon,’ it doesn’t appear as if Google will be getting on board any time soon.
Google’s Public Search Liaison, Danny Sullivan, issued a reminder via Twitter that despite how fitting and amusing Starmageddon may be, the name of the update is, in fact, September 2019 Review Rich Results Update is also known by this name.
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