Top 10 NodeJS Apps of 2020

Top 10 NodeJS Apps of 2022

Okay okay, we know you have been blown up with articles about Nodejs, how beautiful JavaScript is, and how JavaScript literally takes over the world of web development. There is a good reason for this, with the largest technology company and internet application adopting NodeJS in their technology stack, big time. This is why we wanted to list the most popular NodeJS of 2020, but first, what is NodeJS again?

What is NodeJS again?

To avoid dragging items, long story short – NodeJS is an open-source server-source side runtime environment built on the Google Chrome JavaScript V8 machine, made to build fast and scalable internet applications. In other words, it is only a runtime JavaScript, providing a developer with a lightweight, fast and modern way to execute code in their local environment.

With that out of the way, without further ado, here come the 10 most popular NodeJS apps out there…

1. Paypal & NodeJS

In a recent article about how PayPal was developed, we explained how PayPal switched from online payment services that were mostly built in Java to the payment platform powered by Nodejs. This platform allows users to transact with each other online quickly and easily in more than 100 currencies in more than 200 markets. In 2015, this service has more than 184 million active users, using nodejs for the other side of the web application:

Jeff Harrel, Senior Director of Payments Products and Engineering at PayPal elaborates:

“NodeJS helps us solve this (the boundary between the browser and server) by enabling both the browser and server applications to be written in JavaScript. It unifies our engineering specialties into one team which allows us to understand and react to our users’ needs at any level in the technology stack”.

2. Netflix & Nodejs

Netflix is ​​the world’s largest streaming provider in the world including film and series, available in more than 190 countries. In April 2016, Netflix reported more than 81 million customers worldwide, with more than 46 million in the U.S itself.

As explained in how Netflix was developed, the entire user interface on was built with a node. The engineers decided to use node.js to provide fast, modular, and lightweight applications. Thus, the loading time of the Netflix web application has been reduced by 70%. Node.js has proven to be an effective solution, so the company decided to move the entire layer of data access to the node.

3. LinkedIn & NodeJS

LinkedIn is a social network that mainly focuses on professional networks and career development. LinkedIn has more than 675 million members in 200 countries and regions around the world and is currently available in 24 languages. And guess what? NodeJS Linkedin mobile application server.

The new mobile application is better performance, consuming lower memory, and 20 times faster than Ruby on a rail-based version. Furthermore, the utilization of resources is greatly improved, reducing the number of servers needed to run a cellular application with a factor of 10x!

4. Uber & NodeJS

Uber is a well-known transportation network company because of the ride-hailing taxi app. Apply a different business model, the company changes transportation forever. Today, Uber is available in 85 countries and more than 900 cities around the world, completed more than 14 million trips every day.

Uber is one of the first companies to adopt node.js into full production because it builds a large matching system on node.js. Therefore, the Uber application drastically improves performance, information processed quickly, increases the operational speed of applications and errors can be dealt with immediately without requiring restarting, all because of technology choices using Node.

5. eBay & NodeJS

eBay is an American online shopping website, famous for its auctions, consumers to consumers, and business to consumer sales. The total number of e-commerce giants has increased dramatically, and in 2019 exceeded 183 million users

6. Yahoo & NodeJS

Yahoo is an American web service including services such as search engines, letters, news, and finance. The company uses node.js to complete its one-page content and application sites.

7. Mozilla & NodeJS

Mozilla is the Open-Source software community founded in 1998, offering products such as Mozilla Firefox, Thunderbird E-mail Client, and the Firefox OS cellular operating system.

Mozilla uses nodes as the main language for various web projects. One of the most popular web browsers in the world, Mozilla Firefox is a great example of the Node.js application.

8. GoDaddy & NodeJS

GoDaddy is an Internet domain registrar traded publicly and a web hosting company. In 2019, GoDaddy has 19 million customers and more than 9,000 employees worldwide. In fact, the entire backend of the company is based on the infrastructure node.js.
Thanks to the node, GoDaddy enjoys 10 times fewer servers, organizes customer websites, writes units and integration tests easily, and immediately spread new features. Next, the time for the first byte (TTFB) of ~ 60 ms to around ~ 12ms.

9. Medium & NodeJS

Launched in August 2012, the medium is an online publishing platform that utilizes NodeJS for its web server. Medium has between 85 and 100 million monthly active users and thousands of articles appear every week.

10. Groupon & NodeJS

Groupon is an American global e-commerce market that connects customers with local traders by offering a variety of offers every day for local goods and services such as restaurants, theaters, and retail stores. In 2019, this business has 43.6 million active users.

There are many large companies that use node.js on their application backend because of its advantages such as high performance, easy scalability, very broad efficiency, and better.

If you also consider building a node.js and you are looking for a specialist to do your future project, don’t hesitate to contact us, and let’s change the idea to be a solid product.

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